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A special topic project is the 'Range-project'. (c)Sentry Aviation News, 20020919_lfbc_itaf_tornado_bombsdrop_mt01.jpg
Through the years many ranges were visited. Most ranges only allow dummy deliveries, but the Cazaux range allows live ordnance.


Pampa range, Belgium

Just south of Kleine-Brogel is the Pampa range located. This range is used for practice bombing and strafing. On 20010109 a 'Fire Power Demo' was organised by 10W of Kleine-Brogel. Several runs would be made with bombs and rockets. Followed by some strafing runs. Later that day some A-10's should show up. Due to bad weather, all missions were cancelled. Except for 1 KB F-16 that came by for some strafing runs.
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Cazaux range, France

At french base of Cazaux, there is small live practice range, inside the perimeter of the base. During EMS 2001 and EMS 2002, there was live bombing, rocketing and strafing at the range. tAs the range is on the base, it is possible to photograph the aircraft with their live ordnance before take-off.
(c)Sentry Aviation News, 20020919_lfbc_explodig_bombs_jvb_mt01.jpg(c)Sentry Aviation News, 20020919_lfbc_fraf_miragerf1_bomb_jvb_mt01.jpg(c)Sentry Aviation News, 20020919_lfbc_itaf_tornado_bombsdrop_mt01.jpg(c)Sentry Aviation News, 20010920_lfbc_fraf_jaguar_range1_jvb_mt01.jpg
(c)Sentry Aviation News, 20010920_lfbc_fraf_miragef1_range_jvb_mt01.jpg(c)Sentry Aviation News, 20010920_lfbc_range-explosion1_jvb_mt01.jpg(c)Sentry Aviation News, 20010920_lfbc_esaf_miragef1_c1404-1_jvb_mt01.jpg(c)Sentry Aviation News, 20020919_lfbc_fraf_jaguar_a99_jvb_mt01.jpg

Mediterranean Sea range

A very special 'range' was the Mediterranean Sea during a visit to the USS Kennendy (CV-67). During this visit, some practice bombs were dropped by an F/A-18. The targets were some empty boxes that were released a intervals from the stern of the ship. The F/A-18
(c)Sentry Aviation News, 20020802_cv67_usnv_fa18c_164202-2_jvb_mt01.jpg(c)Sentry Aviation News, 20020802_cv67_usnv_f14b_mach1-pass_jvb_mt01.jpg

Nordhorn range, Germany

Visit coordinated, visiting date expected at 2003-12-02.

Vliehors range, the Netherlands

Visit coordinated, but no date set yet.
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